姓 名:林伟青
职 称:讲师
研究方向 土木建筑与环境学院 岩土专业 主要从事固废资源化利用,绿色胶凝材料和沥青路面材料研究。
主讲课程 1. Civil Engineering Test
2. 工程制图与计算机辅助设计
科研项目 1. 博士科研启动金:碱激发白云岩尾矿改性沥青路用性能研究(主持)
[1] Lin W, Zhou F, Luo W, et al. Recycling the waste dolomite powder with excellent consolidation properties: Sample synthesis, mechanical evaluation, and consolidation mechanism analysis[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 290: 123198.
[2] Lin W, Zhou F, Luo W, et al. Effect of alkali cation type on compressive strength and thermal performance of the alkali-activated omphacite tailing[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 306: 124647.
[3] Lin W, Zhou F, Luo W, et al. Alkali-activated dolomite and its outstanding mechanical strength[J]. Materials Letters, 2020, 270: 127682.
[4] Lin W, Luo W, Zhang G, et al. Preparation of Phlogopite-based Geopolymer and Its Surface Nonpolar Modification[J]. Journal of Wuhan University of Technology-Mater. Sci. Ed., 2021, 36(3): 433-438.
[5] 林伟⻘,周⽅圆,罗⽂君,等.养护温度对⽩云岩碱激发净浆断裂性能的影响[J].建筑材料学报:1-11.
[6] Lin W, Zhou F, Xiao H, et al. Enhancing rheological and adhesion performance of asphalt binder with alkali-activated waste dolomite dust[J]. Materials and Structures, 2024, 57(5): 1-16.
[1] 201810098091.5 ⼀种⽩云岩基地质聚合物制备⽅法
[2] 202110959998.8 ⼀种聚合物改性沥⻘及其制备⽅法
[3] 202110749947.2 ⼀种⽩云岩复合乳化沥⻘的胶结材料及其制备⽅法
[4] 202210473757.7 ⼀种改性沥⻘及其制备⽅法